
News from NLD

Today I want to share my screen time experiment with you. After reading Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism, I was inspired to try strictly limiting my leisure (as in not business related) social media use. I deleted the Facebook app, LinkedIn, and Twitter (don't use IG or any other apps). I also set up a daily limit for Facebook use using the iOS Screen Time setting (for business purposes only) of 30 minutes. Looking at the numbers, I spent 5 hours less on social. Newport suggests having something ready to replace the time you used to spend on your phone and I've played a bunch of board games with my kids and spent 6.5 hours reading on my kindle app - I read 3 books in a week instead of browsing the social dumpsters!

Newport says most people who try this experiment never go back to their previous use of social media and I don't expect I will either. Future Meagan will benefit much more from reading and other hobbies than mindless scrolling.

Would you try something like this? What will you replace your phone time with? Hit reply and let me know.

Meagan | New Leaf Digital

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