
News from NLD

Happy November everyone!

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

That Eleanor Roosevelt was one smart lady, don’t you think? 

Mistakes are a part of life, but the fewer things you have to learn the hard way, the better, #amIright?     When it comes to sharing my blunders while building an online business, I’m an open book. This is the stuff that I WISH someone would’ve shared with me when I was just getting started.     

Wanna know the 3 decisions I wish I’d made sooner in my business?

Getting really clear about my mission, vision, and values

Realizing that simple is more (this is especially true when it comes to ClickUp!)

Having the confidence to do things my own way.

I'm there now, but wow, it's been a journey!

Until next week, Meagan

Meagan | New Leaf Digital

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